Monday, January 18, 2010

It may be a Miracle

The weather is better, the sun is actually out, AND the Christmas tree has disappeared. The living room is one of the rooms we've had closed off during the deep freeze here, and it was simply too cold in there to even walk through. Another one was the dining room, and all the Christmas junk is gone from there, too...WHEEEEE...

Maybe my bones will be better when it's a bit warmer. There are lots of birds out flying around in packs and chirping all over the place. And the snowdrops are blooming out front. Maybe I'll even manage to get my ticket to Texas...

I think I will feed Phil some of that cured salmon, although I suspect he won't like it much; too much fennel. And I haven't done anymore with my charcuterie book because the kitchen has been too cold. This week will be different. And Sarah arrives on Friday for nearly a week--hearing in Lexington and a client in Louisville--so will be here for Martin's birthday.

Cheers, Lillie