Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So twice in only one week I've tricked the boys into eating spinach. First was the ravioli that I stuffed with spinach (fresh), can't remember exactly what else, but I think shallots, ricotta, parmesan cheese, some fake egg... Butter and parmesan cheese on top. Not only did they eat it, but they ate it left-over (both are generally opposed to left-overs, unless it's cheese enchiladas).

And then last night I made some crepes, which were actually fake crepes, since I used fake eggs and soy milk instead of eggs and milk. And I didn't manage to make enough because I took some out to make some dessert crepes (added some sugar and orange liqueur) that I stuffed with cherry pie filling.

The real crepes had spinach in them, also mushrooms, onion, a bit of ricotta (couldn't find any goat cheese at Food Lion--recipes call generally for cream cheese with the spinach stuffing for crepes, and I try to avoid cream cheese, as I don't want to get sick). Instead of a proper veloute sauce, I used chicken broth instead of milk. Put some frozen shrimp in half of them (for some reason, Martin hates shrimp in any guise). rest of the sauce and some grated (seriously mediocre) Swiss cheese (also from the Paris Food Lion). Not only did they say it was very good, Martin asked if there would be any left over. I didn't tell him the active ingredient in the filling was spinach.

I also bought a pie pumpkin, and am trying to figure out a way to get them to eat that. It certainly won't be in a pie. Soup, maybe?



  1. They won't eat pumpkin pie???

  2. Gretchen, that is absolutely correct. If they are served it somewhere else, they will taste it to be polite, and if it's made from canned pumpkin (perish the thought!) will eat exactly one bite. But hey, we're Texans, and the PROPER dessert at both Thanksgiving and Christmas is pecan pie. In this family, however, one also expects cherry pie...

  3. We usually do pumpkin pie &/or pecan pie. But we also have a great bourbon apple pie recipe from Bon Apetit. And Derby Pie in May.
