Sunday, November 1, 2009

another thing

Did you see the post (perhaps a week ago, or so) about Phil bringing me a miniature metal Mini-Cooper? to try to cheer me up because I've been dealing with the boys with swine flu? Not only is it NOT the real thing, it's YELLOW. I want a RED Mini-Cooper. Don't give a fig whether or not it has a sunroof. I DO NOT WANT a CONVERTIBLE Mini-Cooper. I do, however, want a RED MINI-COOPER. And it needs to get major mpg. So there. I think they are cute. Ought to be easy to get around corners and into parking places, and they are low to the ground, so should be basically stable, unlike those van things that I can't seem to drive. Not to mention get myself into.

But I'm not getting any younger and I WANT A RED CAR.


1 comment:

  1. So do I, but not a Mini-Cooper. I want a convertible two-seater that goes from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds. And years ago C gave me one (Matchbox) and said it *would* go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds - 0 to 60 mm, that is.
