Wednesday, August 26, 2009

yet more observations

One is that I still have NO CLUE how I managed to lose the rant about the Holly Hill Inn wine guy's ghastly French pronunciation, not to mention my complaints about how the new scheme at Holly Hill Inn (e.g., a la carte instead of prix fixe) has ruined the dining experience. Notwithstanding all this, I/we will be going there again tomorrow evening for a wine tasting of southern French wines and dinner. The Tremoulet's are going, too, and Martin has deigned to join us, despite the fact that he's not exactly thrilled with the menu (which is alarmingly similar to the one a month ago, when he joined me, Charles and Gretchen Tremoulet for same, while Phil was in Albuquerque eating sushi...)

On the other hand, maybe Ted Kennedy's death will be the impetus needed to pass an actual serious health care reform/health insurance reform (hey, I don't care what they call it, so long as it enables/requires EVERYONE to be covered by some sort of coverage) bill.

What I would really like to see is a bill that provides Medicare or at least the equivalent to EVERYBODY. Including (ESPECIALLY) Congress. So there

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