Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So I come from a long line of very conservative folks, Barry Goldwater conservative types. How exactly did I turn into a single issue voter type? Not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the experience I've had with two (or more) things. The first is the fact that, while I've always had pretty good health care coverage, there have always been problems. While it's always been "affordable" for me, or me and my immediate family (while my kids were young), it's been so variable that we couldn't predict from one year to the next what was going to happen with it.

And as a caveat, at the moment, both I and my spouse have good, affordable coverage. Mine is through KCTCS, and his is through UK.

The second issue I'd like to raise is my observations of the experience, years ago, of my parents, my grandmothers, and their siblings. My parents had no health coverage and no access to it after my father retired from the Air Force in 1959, other than that provided by the military, which only covered them for awhile, and covered us (myself and my sister) only until we reached majority, and ONLY if we were able to go to a military facility then.

I became ill in 1968 with viral infectious hepatitis while I was a student at University. The only health care available was with the Air Force/military hospital, which was a blessing, but the nearest was in San Antonio. Had we not had this available, my illness would have been disastrous for my family.

Suppose we hadn't had this available?

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