And last Saturday the Kentucky Wildcat basketball team, at that point undefeated, had just been ranked #1 in the country, and was about to play SOuth Carolina (which I think was ranked #7 or something...not sure), when President Obama phoned Coach Calipari to congratulate the team on their #1 ranking. So all these talented and coddled basketball players got to talk on the phone to the President. They were pleased; it was all over the TV and the newspaper, and then they got ready for their basketball game against South Carolina.
Guess what. They lost. I watched most of the game. They missed lay-ups; they missed free throws; they fouled; they couldn't pass the stupid ball. John Wall, the freshman who is (or was) expected to be #1 in the pro draft this year, had a terrible game. It was pitiful.
And according to the local news, the letters to the editor, and the word on the street, guess why they lost? It's Obama's fault. It's all his fault. Nobody else's.
I suppose the current snowstorm and arctic air rolling across the state is his fault, too...
Angels and ministers of grace defend us...
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