Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas and a few other things

Well, we had the semi-annual lab party last Saturday. Can't believe I keep agreeing to do this. We invite all of Phil's graduate students, plus students who just have him on their committees (I think), a few faculty types in ecology, and occasionally some unrelated people. This year I did Indian food (and Kay and Madhu are actually INDIAN from INDIA, talk about coals to Newcastle...). It turned out pretty well, though, despite the fact that there was no definite number of bodies until they actually arrived, so I was prepared for 30-50 people. Made a great deal of chicken curry, basmati rice, koftas (pork meatballs in spicy yogurt sauce, supposed to be made from ground lamb but I couldn't find any...), raita (made the yogurt myself, thank you very much), potato stuff (supposed to be turned into samosas, but I ran out of steam...), gujerati green beans, papadums, condiments, etc., can't remember what all else, but I think there were a couple of other things...

Lydia Curtz and Ben saved my skin on the deal; they organized the service, made some punch in that thing on the back porch, set everything out, etc. I would have been seriously under water without them...

But it was actually fun.

So there...


p.s. turned out there were 41 people who put in appearance, and ONLY ONE annoyed me by not talking to me...I guess some of these people either don't know who I am and don't bother to find out whose house they're at, or find me scary...

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