On other fronts, it looks like summer is over and fall is around the corner. The air looks different, everybody seems to have allergies from ragweed (except me, but that's because I've had the sense to stay inside, despite the fact that the weather is lovely...you can see it from inside...). It's not hot. Actually, it's almost cool. The plumbing here has required major repair, at great expense, of course, and I still haven't done taxes from 2008, but I'm trying very hard to ignore the fact that I've been spending most of my time going from doctor to MRI to PT, and trying to concentrate on getting my "business" started, renting out the house for events and the cottage in France for holidays. Need legal advice at this point.
No interesting food adventures lately, unless you count the trip Martin and I made a couple of weeks ago to IKEA and Jungle Jim up in Cincinnati. We mostly looked around at IKEA and got ideas, and bought some little stuff. Bought some serious seafood at Jungle Jim's, as well as rather a lot of very good wine. Took far too long, according to Tino, but hey, too bad.
The Curtz's are coming over tomorrow evening and it's still not clear what the menu will be. It will undoubtedly require me to drive to Lexington tomorrow, which I'm sick and tired of doing every day. HOWEVER, we're probably looking at (I think) smoked salmon wrapped around goat cheese seasoned with good olive oil, pepper and chives for hors d'oeuvres, garlic soup for a first course, probably that cod in browned butter with capers I made the other day for a main, along with something. Don't have a clue about veg, and dessert, if there is one. I trust that the Curtz's will forgive me if it's not wonderful. You'd think I'd be on top of this sort of thing, since from one point of view, I don't have anything else to do, but that's not the way it seems to be working out...
So there,
How about Haagen-Dazs lemon sorbet for dessert? It's at Martin's Kroger. No one is going to want anything heavier than that after all that great food they've been stoking themselves with.